St. George, 29 April 2024 – The Caribbean Tourism Organization’s Sustainable Tourism

Conference (STC) 2024, held from April 22nd to 24th in Grenada, concluded as a resounding

success, bringing together 316 delegates from across the region for three days of insightful

discussions, transformative experiences, and collaborative initiatives aimed at advancing

sustainability in Caribbean tourism.

Day One: Setting the Stage for Sustainability

The conference commenced with opening remarks by Prime Minister the Honourable Dickon

Mitchell, followed by a thought-provoking keynote address by Adam Stewart, Executive

Chairman of Sandals Resorts International. These speeches set the stage for discussions under

the theme, “The 5 Ps for a Legacy of Caribbean Tourism Sustainability: People, Planet,

Prosperity, Purpose, & Partnership.” Participants engaged in sessions exploring strategies to

safeguard natural ecosystems, nurture diversity, and foster partnerships for sustainable


Day Two: Deepening Dialogue and Collaboration

Building on the momentum from day one, day two of the conference saw further exploration of

key sustainability themes. Ministerial round-table discussions underscored the importance of

inter-sectoral cooperation, while panels on Purpose-Driven Tourism and Partnership highlighted

inspiring examples and transformative potential in the industry. A masterclass on FU-Tech

Tourism showcased the role of technology in shaping the future of tourism.

Day Three: Inspiring Action through Study Tours

The conference concluded with a series of exclusive study tours, offering participants immersive

experiences into Grenada’s cultural and environmental heritage. Exploring the Underwater

Sculpture Park, embarking on a guided journey through the trails of Grand Etang led by Dr.

Guido Marcelle, and delving into Rastafari culture and lands with social media influencer Ras

Ginga, attendees gained invaluable insights into Grenada’s sustainable tourism practices and

community engagement.

Additionally, 42 international, regional and local media personnel were graciously hosted at the

newly inaugurated Six Senses Resort for a media breakfast. Welcomed by General Manager

Thomas Fehlbier, the event served as an informative platform, shedding light on Grenada’s

sustainability practices, both at the resort and across the island, while also outlining the

conference’s objectives in advancing these initiatives.

All conference attendees also had the opportunity to participate in the Royal Caribbean Cruise

Line luncheon and gain firsthand knowledge of its efficiency initiatives aimed at reducing

environmental impact and achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Petra Roach, CEO of the Grenada Tourism Authority, stated, “Grenada hosting the Sustainable

Tourism Conference underscores its role as a proactive advocate for sustainability. This event not

only showcases our commitment but also amplifies our collaborative efforts towards shaping a

resilient and sustainable future for Caribbean tourism.”

Minister of Tourism, Creative Affairs, and Culture, the Honourable Adrian Thoman, added, “The

success of the 2024 Sustainable Tourism Conference in Grenada is a testament to our dedication

to promoting sustainable tourism practices. As the first host since 2019, Grenada has

demonstrated its leadership in advancing sustainability initiatives within the region. This

conference has not only provided valuable insights but also strengthened partnerships within the

Caribbean’s tourism industry.”

The STC 2024 served as a platform for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and actionable

insights, empowering participants to drive change. As delegates departed Grenada, they carried

with them a renewed commitment to sustainability and a vision for a more resilient and

prosperous Caribbean.